Much like any good story. I'll start it in the middle.
Today I asked my wife and son for help.
I asked them to keep me focused in the evenings. I told them that I had been spending too much time on my phone in the evenings and it was cutting into family time and productivity time. (When I say productive time: it means reading, writing or studying). I don't ignore my family to spend time on my phone, but I do have a tendency to linger when the time arises. If I have downtime, I'll hop on Instagram and check out some reels.... before I know it 10 min as gone by then I get a group message from work then I'll look something up to cook for dinner and the whole process takes 30 min. That's 30 min that I could be doing a household chore, playing games with the kids or sitting down with the wife and catching up on the events of the day. Bathroom trips are the worst for me, I'll sit alone in the toilet scrolling-acting like I need a break from my cushy desk job.
Yesterday was the worst. I came home early (it was a telework day at work due to the weather, but having two kids and four dogs (we are pet sitting) it creates chaos at the house. I ended up going into the office where I can utilize my workstation. It is also a place where my brain is conditioned to work. I came home around 3:30 and basically spent an hour dicking around on my phone until I started cooking dinner. While dinner was cooking I would parodically check my phone. After dinner I had a conference call then play video games after-Not a productive evening at all.
My solution was to ask the family to help me stay focused. I told my oldest to pick a punishment if I were to get on my phone. According to Hudson if I spent time on my phone then I would be sent to timeout, and he could have the phone to download any game he wants (within reason and it has to be free). I did have one loophole. I could listen to podcasts as long as the phone was out of reach. I could do headphones or link it up to one of our Alexa's.
The parameters were set.
Hudson wasn't feeling well, so he chilled out for the evening. I plugged a podcast on Alexa and started my evening. I was able to fold two loads of laundry while checking on Hudson from time to time. Did the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen (we have a rule...whomever cooks the other cleans) and still had time to build a workout plan for my client, study and write an article. I was really productive and did not have dead time on the phone. From time-to-time Hudson checked on me. He would ask where my phone was (upstairs on the charger). I was proud of that little guy. He kept me in check. I told him that I appreciate his support.
As I write this, I am thinking about implementing this a few nights a week. It was such a relief to not check my phone when I am supposed to be doing something. I was able to stay focused and knock out one thing after another. I was able to spend focused quality time instead of being distracted or rush through something so I could spend time on my phone.
My mind is more refreshed than it has been.