Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Maturation and Remodeling Phase: Refining Tissue Healing

 The maturation and remodeling phase is the final stage of the tissue healing process, following the fibroblastic repair phase. This phase, also known as the remodeling phase, involves the refinement and strengthening of the newly formed tissue. It plays a crucial role in restoring the tissue to its optimal function and structure, often over an extended period. Understanding this phase can provide insights into how tissue healing evolves and how to support recovery effectively.

The Transition to Maturation

The maturation and remodeling phase begins once the initial tissue repair processes, such as collagen deposition and granulation tissue formation, are underway. This phase can last for months to years, depending on the extent of the injury and the tissue involved. The primary objective during this phase is to refine the repair tissue, improve its strength, and restore its function.

Key Processes in Maturation and Remodeling

  1. Collagen Remodeling: One of the most significant events in this phase is the remodeling of collagen. Initially, the collagen fibers deposited during the fibroblastic repair phase are relatively disorganized and laid down in a random pattern. During the maturation phase, these fibers are reorganized and aligned along the lines of tensile strength. Type III collagen, which is initially prevalent, is gradually replaced by the more robust Type I collagen. This transition enhances the mechanical strength and durability of the tissue.

  2. Reduction of Extracellular Matrix (ECM): As the new tissue matures, the ECM, which provides structural support, is also remodeled. The initial ECM is rich in proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, which are gradually replaced by a more organized matrix with higher collagen content. This remodeling improves the tissue's structural integrity and functional capacity.

  3. Wound Contraction and Tissue Strengthening: Wound contraction, which begins in the fibroblastic phase, continues during maturation. Myofibroblasts play a crucial role in this process by contracting and drawing the wound edges together. Concurrently, the newly formed tissue undergoes further strengthening and alignment, increasing its resistance to mechanical stresses.

  4. Vascular Remodeling: The density of blood vessels in the repair tissue decreases as the tissue matures. The initially high vascularity, necessary for early healing, is reduced to a level more in line with the normal tissue architecture. This process helps to normalize blood flow and reduce the risk of complications such as excessive bleeding or fluid accumulation.

Factors Influencing Remodeling

Several factors can influence the effectiveness of the maturation and remodeling phase. These include:

  • Mechanical Stress: Appropriate mechanical stress through controlled activity and exercise can enhance collagen alignment and tissue strength. Conversely, excessive stress or immobilization can negatively affect tissue remodeling and function.

  • Nutrition: Adequate nutrition, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, is essential for collagen synthesis and overall tissue repair. Deficiencies can impair the remodeling process and delay recovery.

  • Health Conditions: Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or vascular disorders, can affect the remodeling phase by impairing collagen production and tissue repair. Managing these conditions is crucial for optimal healing.

Supporting the Remodeling Process

To support the maturation and remodeling phase, several strategies can be employed:

  • Rehabilitation: Engaging in physical therapy or rehabilitation exercises helps improve tissue strength, flexibility, and function. Tailored exercise programs can promote proper tissue alignment and prevent complications.

  • Wound Care: Continued care of the healing tissue, including protection from excessive friction or pressure, is essential for preventing complications and ensuring optimal remodeling.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring by healthcare professionals can help assess the progress of healing and make necessary adjustments to treatment plans.


The maturation and remodeling phase is a critical component of tissue healing, focusing on refining and strengthening the newly formed tissue. Through processes such as collagen remodeling, ECM reorganization, and vascular adjustments, the tissue gradually regains its function and resilience. Understanding and supporting this phase through appropriate care, nutrition, and rehabilitation can significantly enhance healing outcomes and restore tissue integrity. By addressing factors that influence remodeling and providing targeted interventions, it is possible to achieve optimal recovery and maintain long-term tissue health.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Fibroblastic Repair Phase: Essential Steps in Tissue Healing

 Following the inflammatory response phase, the fibroblastic repair phase is crucial in the tissue healing process. This phase, also known as the proliferative phase, focuses on the restoration and reconstruction of damaged tissues. It involves a series of complex biological processes aimed at repairing and rebuilding the injured area, ultimately leading to the restoration of normal function.

Transition from Inflammation to Repair

The fibroblastic repair phase typically begins after the inflammatory response has resolved. This transition is marked by a decrease in inflammation and an increase in the activity of fibroblasts, the primary cells responsible for tissue repair. Fibroblasts are specialized cells that produce extracellular matrix (ECM) components and collagen, essential for the structural integrity of tissues.

Key Processes in Fibroblastic Repair

  1. Angiogenesis: One of the first steps in the fibroblastic repair phase is angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels. This process is crucial for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue, which are essential for cell survival and proliferation. Growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) play a significant role in stimulating angiogenesis. The formation of a new blood supply helps ensure that the repair tissue receives adequate resources for its development.

  2. Collagen Deposition: Fibroblasts begin synthesizing and depositing collagen fibers, which form the scaffold for new tissue. Collagen provides tensile strength and structural support, enabling the tissue to withstand mechanical stresses. Initially, the collagen deposited is mostly type III, which is more flexible and less organized. Over time, type I collagen gradually replaces type III collagen, leading to increased tissue strength and stability.

  3. Formation of Granulation Tissue: Granulation tissue is a hallmark of the fibroblastic repair phase. It consists of a network of new blood vessels, fibroblasts, and ECM components. This tissue fills the wound bed and provides a foundation for further tissue remodeling. Granulation tissue also aids in wound contraction, which helps reduce the size of the wound.

  4. Wound Contraction and Re-epithelialization: As granulation tissue forms, the wound edges begin to contract, pulling the edges of the wound closer together. This process, known as wound contraction, is mediated by myofibroblasts, specialized fibroblasts with contractile properties. Simultaneously, re-epithelialization occurs as epithelial cells migrate across the wound bed, covering the new tissue with a fresh layer of skin. This process is crucial for restoring the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes.

The Role of Growth Factors and Cytokines

Growth factors and cytokines play a significant role in regulating the fibroblastic repair phase. These signaling molecules help coordinate the activities of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and other cell types involved in tissue repair. Key growth factors involved include fibroblast growth factor (FGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). They promote cell proliferation, collagen synthesis, and ECM remodeling.

Challenges and Considerations

While the fibroblastic repair phase is essential for healing, several factors can impact its efficiency. Chronic inflammation, poor blood supply, and underlying health conditions such as diabetes can impair fibroblast function and delay tissue repair. Additionally, excessive collagen deposition can lead to scar tissue formation, which may result in functional limitations or cosmetic concerns.

Supporting the Repair Process

Effective management and support of the fibroblastic repair phase are critical for optimal healing. Proper wound care, including maintaining a clean environment and managing infection risk, can facilitate the repair process. Nutrition also plays a role, as adequate protein intake and essential vitamins are necessary for collagen synthesis and tissue repair.


The fibroblastic repair phase is a pivotal stage in tissue healing, characterized by the formation of granulation tissue, collagen deposition, and the restoration of tissue integrity. Understanding this phase highlights the complexity of the healing process and the importance of appropriate care to support recovery. By addressing factors that influence repair and providing targeted interventions, it is possible to enhance healing outcomes and restore normal tissue function.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Inflammatory Response Phase: A Crucial Step in Tissue Healing

 The inflammatory response phase is a fundamental component of the body's healing process, playing a pivotal role in the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. This phase is the body's initial reaction to injury and serves as the foundation for effective healing. Understanding this phase can provide insight into how the body heals and how medical interventions can support this natural process.

The Onset of Inflammation

The inflammatory response begins almost immediately after tissue injury. Whether the damage is caused by physical trauma, infection, or any other insult, the body's first response is to activate the immune system. This activation involves the release of signaling molecules called cytokines and chemokines from damaged cells and surrounding tissues. These molecules recruit immune cells to the site of injury and promote inflammation.

Key Events in Inflammation

  1. Vasodilation and Increased Permeability: One of the earliest signs of inflammation is vasodilation, where blood vessels expand to increase blood flow to the affected area. This process is facilitated by inflammatory mediators such as histamines and prostaglandins. Increased blood flow results in redness and warmth at the site of injury. Alongside vasodilation, the permeability of blood vessels increases, allowing immune cells, proteins, and nutrients to enter the tissue more easily. This can lead to swelling, as fluid accumulates in the interstitial spaces.

  2. Recruitment of Immune Cells: Neutrophils, the first responders among white blood cells, are typically the initial immune cells to arrive at the injury site. They perform several functions, including phagocytizing (engulfing and digesting) pathogens and dead cells. Following neutrophils, macrophages arrive to continue the cleanup process and release additional cytokines that coordinate the subsequent stages of healing.

  3. Phagocytosis and Tissue Debridement: Macrophages play a crucial role in phagocytosis, where they remove cellular debris, pathogens, and dead cells. This process is essential for preventing infection and paving the way for tissue repair. The resolution of inflammation is marked by a shift from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory signals, which helps to reduce swelling and prevent excessive tissue damage.

The Importance of Inflammation in Healing

While inflammation is often associated with pain and discomfort, it is a necessary and beneficial response for healing. The inflammatory response sets the stage for the next phase of tissue repair by removing harmful agents and preparing the tissue for regeneration. However, inflammation must be tightly regulated; excessive or chronic inflammation can lead to further tissue damage and contribute to various pathological conditions, including chronic inflammatory diseases and autoimmune disorders.

Managing Inflammation

Effective management of inflammation is crucial for optimal healing. In clinical settings, interventions such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids are commonly used to control excessive inflammation and reduce pain and swelling. However, these treatments must be used judiciously, as they can also impair the healing process if used inappropriately.

Additionally, lifestyle factors such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can influence the inflammatory response. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can modulate inflammation and support the healing process.


The inflammatory response phase is a vital part of the body’s healing process, involving a complex interplay of immune cells, signaling molecules, and tissue responses. While inflammation is a necessary step for repair and recovery, it is essential for this phase to be well-regulated to avoid complications and ensure effective healing. By understanding and managing inflammation appropriately, both individuals and healthcare providers can support the body’s natural healing processes and enhance recovery outcomes

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Understanding Tissue Healing: The Journey to Recovery

 When we experience an injury, whether it's a cut, a sprain, or a more serious trauma, our body initiates a remarkable process to repair and rebuild damaged tissue. This journey through tissue healing is a complex and orchestrated series of events, divided into three main phases: the inflammatory response phase, the fibroblastic repair phase, and the maturation-remodeling phase. Let's delve into each phase to understand how our body heals itself.

Inflammatory Response Phase

The moment tissue is injured, our body springs into action to control bleeding and prevent infection. This initial phase, known as the inflammatory response, typically lasts for a few days. Here’s what happens:

1. Inflammation Begins: Immediately after injury, blood vessels constrict to reduce blood loss. Soon after, they dilate to increase blood flow, bringing with it white blood cells, nutrients, and oxygen to the injured site.

2. White Blood Cells Arrive: Neutrophils, followed by macrophages, infiltrate the injured tissue. Their job is to clean up debris, bacteria, and damaged cells. This process causes swelling, warmth, redness, and pain—classic signs of inflammation.

3. Clot Formation: Platelets aggregate to form a clot, sealing off the wound and providing a scaffold for cell migration.

Fibroblastic Repair Phase

After the inflammatory response subsides, the body enters the fibroblastic repair phase, lasting from a few days to several weeks, depending on the extent of the injury:

1. Fibroblasts Build Collagen: Fibroblasts, specialized cells in connective tissue, migrate to the wound site. They start producing collagen—a tough protein that forms the structural framework for new tissue.

2. Granulation Tissue Forms: Capillaries grow into the wound bed, creating granulation tissue—a pinkish, delicate tissue that fills the wound and supports the formation of new blood vessels.

3. Wound Contraction: Myofibroblasts help the wound contract, reducing its size. This contraction is crucial for closing large wounds and restoring tissue integrity.

Maturation-Remodeling Phase

The final phase of tissue healing, maturation-remodeling, can last for months to years. During this phase:

1. Collagen Reorganization: Collagen fibers undergo remodeling by enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). This reorganization strengthens the tissue and improves its tensile strength.

2. Scar Formation: The newly formed tissue matures into a scar. Initially, scars may appear raised, red, or itchy, but over time they often become flatter and less noticeable.

3. Functional Restoration: Depending on the injury’s severity, functional restoration occurs as tissues regain strength and flexibility. Physical therapy and exercise play a crucial role in optimizing functional outcomes.


The journey of tissue healing—from the inflammatory response phase, through the fibroblastic repair phase, to the maturation-remodeling phase—is a testament to the intricate mechanisms our body employs to recover from injury. Understanding these phases not only enhances our appreciation for the body’s resilience but also underscores the importance of proper wound care and rehabilitation.

Next time you experience an injury, remember that your body is already hard at work to mend itself. By supporting this natural healing process with appropriate care, you can help facilitate a smoother recovery and minimize long-term consequences. Our bodies are truly remarkable in their ability to heal, and by understanding the process, we can better aid and respect our own recovery journeys.

So, here’s to the incredible complexity of tissue healing—a testament to the marvels of biology and the resilience of the human body

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Types of injuries we can sustain while working out part 2....

     In part one of this miniseries, we explore how macro trauma can affect our bones, joints, muscles and tendons. In part two we explore how microtrauma can affect our bones and connective tissue. 

    If macro trauma is sudden, specific overload type injury that happens at once, micro trauma is an overuse injury that comes from repeated stress applied to a tissue or bone. Typically, micro trauma is caused by continuous training or training with too little recovery time. Best example is a starting baseball pitcher. Remember the Yankees Red Sox playoff game where Red Sox manager left Pedro in and the Yankees came back to win? That is a prime example of micro trauma. If a pitcher pitches 9 innings (unheard of in today's game.... bear with me) and throws 110 pitches, then it would be wise for that particular pitcher to rest a few days for the shoulder to recover. In this example many factors are at play, time of game (day games in Georgia are different then day games in Chicago), stress of game (playoffs vs regular season game in May) and type pitches that pitcher throws. A knuckleballer could throw again in a few days while a pitcher who throws 100 MPH may need more rest.

     In the strength and conditioning world micro trauma can come from training errors such as program design or excessive volume. Suboptimal surfaces can also play a factor. Consistency hard running on concrete or high intensity plyometrics are examples of this. Back in high school I was running track and our track at the time was old and beat up. I'm talking about the rubberized material fading leaving straight concrete. For someone unconditioned to running I suffered micro trauma in my shins causing a stress fracture in my tibia. This is one of the reasons why I am very particular when selecting running shoes and only train a few days a week unless I can find a trail. Nutrition and training history can also play a factor as well. Poor nutrition that excludes calcium for example can potentially lead to micro injuries in the bone. We know that calcium is needed for muscle contractions and if not, enough calcium is ingested then muscles take calcium away from bones. One of the many adaptations to resistance training is stronger bone structure. 

  Tendons operate the same way in terms of trauma. Repeated overuse with no rest often leads to tendinitis. Recovery can last a few days to a few weeks if treated properly. When tendinitis is left untreated then chronic tendinitis can occur which requires a longer recovery timeframe.

    To summarize micro trauma is repeated overuse of stress applied to tissue. More often than not micro trauma applies to bones and tendons. Bones can suffer from stress fractures and tendons can develop tendonitis. Both injuries are commonly caused by overtraining, excessive volume or inadequate rest cycles. Rest is typically the prescribed medicine for both.       

Monday, July 22, 2024

Types of injuries we can sustain working out

    I should preface this article by saying that I'm not a Doctor, Athletic Trainer, Physical Therapist, nor a Team Physician. I'm just a guy trying to study for the practical portion of the CSCS exam. Meaning I don't have the qualifications to diagnose injuries (outside of the obvious), prescribe medications or prescribe corrective exercises for rehab purposes. In my scope of practice as a future (knock on wood) would be to differentiate between exercises that someone can do while injured (indication) or can't do (contraindication). I do possess some knowledge of injuries given my 38 years on earth, medical training provided by the Army and through studying for this exam.

    The first type of injury we will talk about is Macro trauma. Macro trauma is a sudden, specific overload type injury that was sustained to the bone, joints, ligaments and muscles. Bones can suffer from a contusion (bone bruise) or a fracture (break). Joints such as your shoulder or fingers can be dislocated (complete displacement of joint) or subluxation (partial displacement of joint). Ligaments and muscles can also suffer from injuries but are graded into three levels.

    Ligaments such as your ACL, MCL (ligaments in the knee) can suffer from a grade 1 sprain which entails a partial tear with no instability. A grade 2 sprain is a partial tear with minor instability and a grade three sprain is a complete tear with full instability. In terms of recovery, it depends on previous activity, current activity (job that requires physical efforts would take longer to recover since you are using the ligament over and over) and rehab tools available. 

    Muscles work similar to ligaments in terms of grades but differ slightly. Grade 1 strain is a partial tear with strong but painful muscle activity. Grade 2 strains are partial tears with a weak painful muscle activity and a 3rd degree strain is a complete tear with weak, painless muscle activity. Again, recovery is difficult to determine due to the variables at stake. Tendons are typically stronger than muscles due to the increased collagen fibers so an injury sustained to the muscle would be in the muscle belly rather than the tendon. Unless of course the injury is catastrophic. Think of the Willis Mcgahee hit back in the day in college or the Gordan Haywood injury a few years back in the NBA. 

    In summery macro trauma is a sudden, specific injury that overloads the tissue at hand. Bones and joints suffer from either partial tear or complete tear. Ligaments are characterized as sprains with three grades ranging from partial tears with stability to complete tears. Muscles are also characterized with grades but are called strains. Muscle injuries can be from partial tears but painful muscle activity to complete tears with weak and painless muscle activity.         

Traditional Periodization vs. Daily Undulating Periodization: Optimizing Training Strategies

     When it comes to designing effective training programs, athletes and coaches often debate between traditional periodization and daily undulating periodization (DUP). Both methods aim to enhance athletic performance through structured planning but differ significantly in their approach and application. Understanding the distinctions between these two methodologies can help athletes tailor their training regimes to better meet their specific goals and needs.

Traditional Periodization: Structured Phases for Progressive Improvement

Traditional periodization is a systematic approach to training that divides the training cycle into distinct phases, each focusing on different aspects of fitness development. Typically, these phases include preparatory, hypertrophy, strength, and peaking phases, with specific goals and intensities for each phase. The primary objective is to progressively overload the body while allowing for adequate recovery to achieve peak performance during competition or testing phases.

During the preparatory phase, athletes focus on building endurance and establishing a solid fitness base. This is followed by the hypertrophy phase, where muscle size and strength are emphasized through moderate to high-volume training. The strength phase then shifts towards heavier weights and lower repetitions to enhance neuromuscular adaptation and maximal strength. Finally, the peaking phase involves tapering off training volume while maintaining intensity to optimize performance for competitions or tests.

Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP): Varied Intensity and Volume Within Weekly Cycles

In contrast to traditional periodization's linear progression through phases, DUP employs a more frequent variation in training variables within shorter time frames, typically within a week. This method involves changing the intensity (load), volume (sets and reps), or both on a daily basis. For instance, a DUP program might alternate between high-intensity, low-repetition sessions (strength emphasis) and moderate-intensity, high-repetition sessions (hypertrophy emphasis) throughout the week.

The key advantage of DUP lies in its ability to continuously stimulate different physiological adaptations without the extended periods of monotony that can accompany traditional periodization. By frequently varying training stimuli, DUP aims to prevent plateaus in performance and optimize overall athletic development. This approach is particularly beneficial for athletes who require a balance of multiple fitness components (e.g., strength, power, endurance) throughout their competitive season.

Choosing the Right Approach: Considerations and Applications

The selection between traditional periodization and DUP depends on several factors, including the athlete's training experience, specific sport demands, competition schedule, and individual response to training stimuli. Athletes preparing for a single peak event may find traditional periodization effective due to its structured progression towards a specific performance peak. Conversely, athletes involved in multi-event sports or year-round competition may benefit more from the flexibility and adaptability offered by DUP.

Moreover, DUP's emphasis on frequent variation may appeal to athletes who thrive on diversity in their training routines and prefer avoiding long periods of repetitive training stimuli. On the other hand, traditional periodization provides a clear roadmap for gradual progression and peak performance, making it suitable for athletes who respond well to structured, predictable training cycles.

Conclusion: Integrating Principles for Optimal Performance

In conclusion, both traditional periodization and daily undulating periodization are effective training methodologies designed to enhance athletic performance through strategic planning and manipulation of training variables. While traditional periodization focuses on structured phases with specific training goals, DUP offers flexibility and frequent variation to prevent adaptation plateaus and optimize overall fitness gains. Athletes and coaches should carefully consider their goals, sport-specific demands, and individual preferences when selecting between these two approaches, ultimately aiming to integrate principles from both methodologies to tailor a training program that maximizes performance potential and long-term athletic development.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Building a yearlong training cycle for the Army's ACFT.


    Building on previous two posts that outlined in detail various phases of training and how to manipulate training variables in order to sustain success. For this example, we are using the Army's ACFT as an outline to determine phases of training. 









Specific Preparatory

Basic Strength

Moderate to High

2-6 Sets

2-6 Reps

80%-95% 1RM



First Transition


Low to Very high

2-5 Sets

2-6 Reps

80%-95% 1RM





Low to Very high

2-5 Sets

2-5 Reps

30%-85% 1RM



In Season


High Intensity/Low Volume

1-3 Sets

1-3 Reps

50%-93% 1RM


Active Recovery

Post Season


Low to Moderate





General Prep


Low to Moderate

3-6 Sets

8-12 Reps

75%-85% 1RM



Specific Prep

Basic Strength

Moderate to High

2-6 Sets

2-6 Reps

80%-95% 1RM





Low to Very high

2-5 Sets

2-6 Reps

80%-95% 1RM





Low to Very high

2-5 Sets

2-5 Reps

30%-85% 1RM



In Season


High Intensity/Low Volume

1-3 Sets

1-3 Reps

50%-93% 1RM


Active Recovery

Post Season


Low to Moderate





General Prep


Low to Moderate

3-6 Sets

8-12 Reps

75%-85% 1RM

    Keep in mind that this is a very basic outline in terms of training. Actual training microcycles would entail more detail pertaining towards the training day. Variables within each training day do exist and microcycles may vary depending on individual needs conducted through assessments performed during the ACFT. ACFT results dictate training focus. For example, a weaker deadlift would mean more focus on hypertrophy to escalate results for the deadlift. Traditional or Undulating may be used depending on fitness levels during microcycles. Also, these are resistance training outline that plyometrics, change of direction and aerobic training is left out to ensure simplistic outline. Additionally, ACFT's may change for location purposes. In the event ACFT is shifted to the left or right then microcycles would shift accordingly.

Friday, July 19, 2024

A different way to plan your training part two

     In the first post dedicated to this series, we spoke about how training evolves from general to more specific style of training and the key differences between the two. This post will conclude with finishing the loop per say in year-round training. If you think of this linearly then it would be:

Preparatory-----First Transition—---Competition-----Second Transition

(General/Specific)----(Strength/Power phase)----(Competitive)----(Active Recovery)


As you can see blocks are broken down into blocks of training with a goal in mind. General and Specific were covered in a previous article. Strength/Power phase of training would fall under the first transition, competitive would fall under competition and active recovery is the second transition.

The Strength/Power phase incorporates more exercises geared towards advancement of a particular sport. Sprinters would be performing advanced speed drills such as uphill running, sled towing or resistance running, higher intensity plyometrics, etc. Strength phase reflects strength style training with 2-5 sets, 2-5 reps at 87%-95% of 1RM. This is very reflective of strength goals. Power on the other hand is reflective of typical power load of 2-5 sets, 2-5 reps with a wider range of 1RM goals of 30%-85%. Keep in mind that power load variables are dictated on technique and moving the bar as quickly as possible (so a lighter load may be needed to adhere to power requirements). 

Competitive periods are conditioning in the season itself. This is a delicate balance for one you want your athletes to maintain adaptations gained throughout the off-season while balancing fatigue and sports specific drills. During competitive periods we generally want to keep the intensity high with the total volume low. An example would be 1-3 sets with 1-3 reps at 50%-93% of 1RM. The length of the competitive period is dictated on the sport season in general. Aerobic athletes have races throughout the year but the Boston/New York marathon would constitute a competitive period. Preparing for one or two large races determines your peaking period that lasts for 7-14 days. For a longer season such as football a more maintenance style would be better suited for that type of athlete. A moderate style of load is best Another way is to schedule various “1-week breaks” throughout the micro cycle so as to not fatigue an athlete to the degree of overtraining. You see this with older players in professional leagues that attempt to peak their athletes at the end of the season for the playoff push. A famous example is NBA coach Greg Popovich that would routinely limit playing time for his best players to rest them for the playoffs. Although load management in the NBA has been an issue calling for them to change the rules for end of the year awards. 

Second Transition or active recovery is the period after the season or after the playoffs for the athlete to rest mentally and physically. This would be the time to rehab any injuries that occurred during the season. Exercise would include other sports in a non-competitive environment, leisure activities such as swimming, biking, etc. Typically, this phase lasts from 1-4 weeks. The longer the active recovery phase then the longer an athlete would spend in the preparatory period. Famously you would hear of athletes such as the late Kobe Byrant that would only take a day or two before getting back into the gym while other athletes would take longer periods of rest. 

For the non-athletes that do not have a season then use a fitness event to plan out your training. Even recreational runners that participate in 5K races throughout the year can use this model. Pick two big races that you want to perform well at then build a plan around that. I perform a loose aspect of this for the military. Our tests are in April and October, so I build training plans around those dates. After the test I take a week of active rest then begin the preparatory phase then getting into the first transition then ready again for the test then rinse wash repeat. I would vary the micro cycles to reflect the current period. Currently I am in the Hypertrophy phase that entails gaining lean muscle mass then I’ll decrease the volume and focus more on higher intensities before performing ACFT specific drills in September to peak in October.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

A different way to plan your training

         In my last post we talked about how the body reacts towards a new stimulus with training in the phenomenon called General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), and how fitness and fatigue and inversely related until the body adapts to the training. Today we will build on that theory and implement that into a more longer-term approach to training. On a side note, I dislike the phase "working out". To me working out implies a lackadaisical approach to the gym. Some folks like that approach has they view working out as fun or a social club. I am not one of those people. I take the gym seriously. When your job requires you to be in shape and it is a part of your resume then yes, I will take it seriously. Even at my level in the military all they are looking for is a Go or No Go in terms of fitness it can be a dealbreaker in terms of schools or job opportunities. For example, for Drill Sergeant you want someone who is in shape. This path requires more long-term approach. Our fitness tests are typically in April and October or generally six months apart. April and October are often depended on the weather. In Mississippi we you want April before the heat and humidity hit while in Massachusetts, we performed our tests in May to increase the likelihood of a warmer day. For those not in the military, for this exercise pick an athletic event and work backwards from there. 

    If we test in May then I know I should be "peaking" within 7-14 days of the test. Before the test it is best to implement blocks of training to work on various components of fitness. For the overall structure of the plan, we look at phases such as Preparatory-First Transition-Competitive and second Transition. This is the systematic approach from going from increased volume with a low load percentage to lower volume to increased load. Obviously, we would have fluctuations in volume and intensity, but that is an overarching approach.

    The preparatory stage or offseason is broken down into two sections: General and Specific. General is building an overall fitness level that includes more volume. An example for resistance training would be 3-6 sets with 8-20 repetitions at 50%-75% of 1RM or aerobic training would entail more long, slow, distance training. Specific training is more sports specific training that gears towards preparing the athlete for a more competitive period. Specific training in terms of resistance training would be 2-6 sets with 2-6 reps at 80%-95% of 1RM.

    During the Preparatory period hypertrophy phase exist. This aspect is all about building lean body mass for strength athletes and strength endurance for aerobic athletes. Basic strength phase is towards the end of the preparatory phase going into the Specific phase. Basic strength is moving away from hypertrophy towards building strength. In this phase we are at 80%-95% of 1RM with 2-6 sets with 2-6 reps. By building the baseline of resistance training it is easier to build strength. Variations within each period do exist, however the main goal is to build a base before building strength. 

    In our example of fitness testing in April; February would be used for general phase of hypertrophy and March would entail more of a shift into specific training for strength. April would be our competitive period preparing ourselves for testing. Think of these phases as building a pyramid base before building the top point.