Saturday, January 13, 2024

How to nutritionally prepare for physical fitness test.

             I teach a class called physical fitness and during the class I ask students how you prepare for the Army Combat Physical Fitness Test (ACFT). Answers vary between training ahead of time, hydrating, stretching, and acclimating to the Northeast. One aspect that is overlooked is nutrition. Nutrition goes further than eating beforehand. Yes, you should eat before a physical fitness test but what foods and how much?

            Generically, one should avoid high fat and high fiber foods beforehand as to avoid any GI issues during the event. Fiber rich and fat rich foods take longer to digest thus the risk of exercise while digesting is a high probability. Another more overlooked food is to avoid sugar alcohols. Sugar Alcohols can be found in "Sugar free" foods such as gum. The Sugar alcohol has the potential to cause GI issues with bloating and diarrhea. One way to ensure your game day nutrition is on point is to practice it. Before a big workout try out the meal and test it out. Implementing mid cycle tests is always a good idea anyway. That is a good time to try out your nutrition beforehand. The ultimate goal for pre-event meal is to minimize GI issues.

        A more detailed approach would be to measure out carbohydrate intake before the event. Roughly a hour before test one should consume a half a gram of carb per kilogram of body weight. 190-pound individual is roughly 86kg. Taking half of 86kg is 43g; so, a 190-pound individual should eat 43g of carbs one hour before a physical fitness test. 43g of carbs would equate to a medium sized banana and a sports drink. Two hours before an event the goal is to consume 1g of carb per kilogram of body weight. Taking a 190 pound or 86kg person that is 86 grams of carb before a physical fitness event. 86 grams of carbs is roughly a bowl of oatmeal with raisons and a small banana. Four plus hours prep before an event is at least 1-4 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight. Four plus hours before a physical test is more or less a normal carb centric meal. In the military we typically conduct our physical fitness test in the morning. Now, being in the northeast weather is always a factor and we may conduct in the afternoon. Depending on when the test is conducted timing of nutrition matters.


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